Here is a list of the Applications you can add in your mRemote External Applications
Application: Windows Computer Manager
This will let you launch the Windows Computer Management MMC against the selected host. This MMC will let you view event logs, manage users, configure disks, manage services, and a whole bunch more.
Filename: C:\windows\system32\compmgmt.msc
Arguments: /Computer=%Hostname%
Application: Zenmap GUI
Zenmap is a GUI front-end for nmap. This is the standard port-scanning tool in use by anybody who knows the difference. Gives you all sorts of detail you won't find in the built-in port scanning tool.
Filename: C:\Program Files\Nmap\zenmap.exe
Arguments: -p "Quick scan plus" -t %Hostname%
Application: WinSCP
WinSCP is a great, free GUI Secure Copy program.
Filename: C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe
Arguments: scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%/
Filename: C:\windows\system32\compmgmt.msc
Arguments: /Computer=%Hostname%
Application: Zenmap GUI
Zenmap is a GUI front-end for nmap. This is the standard port-scanning tool in use by anybody who knows the difference. Gives you all sorts of detail you won't find in the built-in port scanning tool.
Filename: C:\Program Files\Nmap\zenmap.exe
Arguments: -p "Quick scan plus" -t %Hostname%
Application: WinSCP
WinSCP is a great, free GUI Secure Copy program.
Filename: C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe
Arguments: scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%/
Application: FileZilla FTP
Free and open source FTP client for most platforms.
Filename: C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe
Arguments: ftp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%
Application: FileZilla SFTP
Same as above, but using the Secure FTP (SFTP) protocol.
Filename: C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe
Arguments: sftp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%
Application: VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client
This is specific to anybody managing a VMware vSphere or ESX environment. This will launch the VI client against the selected host. If the host is an ESX server, it will simply connect to the ESX server. If the host is a Windows machine running vCenter, it will attach to the full vCenter environment.
Filename: C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\VpxClient.exe
Arguments: -s %Hostname% -u %Username% -p %Password%
Free and open source FTP client for most platforms.
Filename: C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe
Arguments: ftp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%
Application: FileZilla SFTP
Same as above, but using the Secure FTP (SFTP) protocol.
Filename: C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe
Arguments: sftp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%
Application: VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client
This is specific to anybody managing a VMware vSphere or ESX environment. This will launch the VI client against the selected host. If the host is an ESX server, it will simply connect to the ESX server. If the host is a Windows machine running vCenter, it will attach to the full vCenter environment.
Filename: C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\VpxClient.exe
Arguments: -s %Hostname% -u %Username% -p %Password%
Application: Firefox
I personally don't like the browser integration in mRemoteNG. It doesn't allow me to use all of my Firefox plugins. Therefore I just use a an external app to launch websites.
Filename: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
Arguments: %Hostname%
Application: Ping
It's ping, needs no explanation
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c ping -t %HostName%
Application: Traceroute
Again, no explanation needed...
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c set /P = | tracert %HostName%
Application: Cygwin
What's better than managing all kinds of remote servers with mRemoteNG? Locally managing with mRemoteNG of course! Just install Cygwin and the mintty.
Filename: C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe
Arguments: -
I personally don't like the browser integration in mRemoteNG. It doesn't allow me to use all of my Firefox plugins. Therefore I just use a an external app to launch websites.
Filename: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
Arguments: %Hostname%
Application: Ping
It's ping, needs no explanation
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c ping -t %HostName%
Application: Traceroute
Again, no explanation needed...
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c set /P = | tracert %HostName%
Application: Cygwin
What's better than managing all kinds of remote servers with mRemoteNG? Locally managing with mRemoteNG of course! Just install Cygwin and the mintty.
Filename: C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe
Arguments: -
Application: TOAD
Filename: C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\TOAD.exe
Arguments: Connect=%Username%/%Password%@%UserField%
I use the UserField for the SID
BUT WATCH OUT they've changed the command line syntax between versions (just search within you TOAD Help for command line)
Application: mcgetmac (MC-WOL Homepage)
Description: find the MAC of a PC (useful for MC-WOL - see below)
Filename: Apps\MC-WOL\mcgetmac.bat
Arguments: %Hostname%
Download the mcgetmac.exe, put it to mRemoteNG's subfolder (Apps\MC-WOL) and create a mcgetmac.bat with the following 2 lines
Filename: C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\TOAD.exe
Arguments: Connect=%Username%/%Password%@%UserField%
I use the UserField for the SID
BUT WATCH OUT they've changed the command line syntax between versions (just search within you TOAD Help for command line)
Application: mcgetmac (MC-WOL Homepage)
Description: find the MAC of a PC (useful for MC-WOL - see below)
Filename: Apps\MC-WOL\mcgetmac.bat
Arguments: %Hostname%
Download the mcgetmac.exe, put it to mRemoteNG's subfolder (Apps\MC-WOL) and create a mcgetmac.bat with the following 2 lines
@Apps\MC-WOL\mcgetmac.exe %1
Application: Wake-On-LAN (MC-WOL Homepage)
Description: wake up a remote PC over the network (find the MAC by using the mcgetmac.bat from above)
Filename: Apps\MC-WOL\mc-wol.exe
Arguments: %MacAddress% /a %Hostname%
Description: wake up a remote PC over the network (find the MAC by using the mcgetmac.bat from above)
Filename: Apps\MC-WOL\mc-wol.exe
Arguments: %MacAddress% /a %Hostname%
Application: Google Chrome
Filename: \portable\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe
Arguments: %HostName%
Application: Internet Explorer
Filename: Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
Arguments: %HostName%
Application: Samba
Filename: \portable\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe
Arguments: \samba\%Hostname%_sambaconf.txt
Application: Traceroute
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c set /P = | tracert %HostName%
Application: Ping
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c ping -t %HostName%
Application: VNC Viewer
Filename: \portable\vnc\vnc-4_1_2-x86_win32_viewer.exe
Arguments: %HostName%
Application: Windows Computer Manager
Filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc
Arguments: /Computer=%HostName%
Application: WinSCP
Filename: \portable\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe
Arguments: scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%/
Application: Zabbix
Filename: /zabbix/search.php?search=%HostName%Arguments:
Filename: \portable\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe
Arguments: %HostName%
Application: Internet Explorer
Filename: Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
Arguments: %HostName%
Application: Samba
Filename: \portable\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe
Arguments: \samba\%Hostname%_sambaconf.txt
Application: Traceroute
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c set /P = | tracert %HostName%
Application: Ping
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c ping -t %HostName%
Application: VNC Viewer
Filename: \portable\vnc\vnc-4_1_2-x86_win32_viewer.exe
Arguments: %HostName%
Application: Windows Computer Manager
Filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc
Arguments: /Computer=%HostName%
Application: WinSCP
Filename: \portable\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe
Arguments: scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%/
Application: Zabbix
Filename: /zabbix/search.php?search=%HostName%Arguments:
Application: Zenmap GUI
Filename: \portable\Nmap\zenmap.exe
Arguments: -p "Quick scan plus" -t %Hostname%
Application: Check Remoteconnection
Filename: check_remote.bat
Arguments: %HostName%
Filename: \portable\Nmap\zenmap.exe
Arguments: -p "Quick scan plus" -t %Hostname%
Application: Check Remoteconnection
Filename: check_remote.bat
Arguments: %HostName%
@echo off & setlocal
IF "%1"=="" (
) ELSE (
set IP=%1
qwinsta /server:%IP%
set /p IP=Aktuelle IP oder Servernamen eingeben:
qwinsta /server:%IP%
echo Auswahl:
echo [1] eine Verbindung trennen
echo [2] Beenden
SET /P auswahl=[1,2]?
for %%? in (1) do if /I "%auswahl%"=="%%?" goto DISCONNECT
for %%? in (2) do if /I "%auswahl%"=="%%?" goto ENDE
set /p ID=Session ID eingeben:
rwinsta /server:%IP% %ID%
IF "%1"=="" (
) ELSE (
set IP=%1
qwinsta /server:%IP%
set /p IP=Aktuelle IP oder Servernamen eingeben:
qwinsta /server:%IP%
echo Auswahl:
echo [1] eine Verbindung trennen
echo [2] Beenden
SET /P auswahl=[1,2]?
for %%? in (1) do if /I "%auswahl%"=="%%?" goto DISCONNECT
for %%? in (2) do if /I "%auswahl%"=="%%?" goto ENDE
set /p ID=Session ID eingeben:
rwinsta /server:%IP% %ID%
Application: Configure Samba
Filename: configure_Samba.bat
Arguments: %HostName% %username% %password%
Filename: configure_Samba.bat
Arguments: %HostName% %username% %password%
@echo off & setlocal
set Hostname=%1
set Username=%2
set Password=%3
set Hostname=%1
set Username=%2
set Password=%3
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "lcd \samba" "get /etc/samba/smb.conf" "exit"
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "lcd \samba" "get /etc/samba/smb.conf" "exit"
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "lcd \samba" "get /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf" "exit"
"\portable\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe" \samba\smb.conf
xcopy \samba\smb.conf \samba\%Hostname%_sambaconf.txt /Y
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "cd /etc/samba/" "put \samba\smb.conf" "call /etc/init.d/samba restart" "exit"
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "lcd \samba" "get /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf" "exit"
"\portable\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe" \samba\smb.conf
xcopy \samba\smb.conf \samba\%Hostname%_sambaconf.txt /Y
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "cd /etc/samba/" "put \samba\smb.conf" "call /etc/init.d/samba restart" "exit"
"\portable\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe" \samba\smb.conf
xcopy \samba\smb.conf \samba\%Hostname%_sambaconf.txt /Y
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "cd /usr/local/samba/lib/" "put \samba\smb.conf" "call /etc/init.d/samba restart" "exit"
"\portable\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe" \samba\smb.conf
xcopy \samba\smb.conf \samba\%Hostname%_sambaconf.txt /Y
\portable\WinSCP\ /command "open scp://%Username%:%Password%@%Hostname%" "cd /usr/local/samba/lib/" "put \samba\smb.conf" "call /etc/init.d/samba restart" "exit"
Sysinternals tools: ... fault.aspx
Application: [HTTPS] Dell OpenManage [port 1311]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: https://%Hostname%:1311
Application: [HTTPS] HP HomePage [2381]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: https://%Hostname%:2381
Application: [HTTPS] ILO [81]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: https://ilo-%Hostname%:81
Application: [HTTPS] LocalHost [80]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: http://%hostname%
Application: [MSC] Compmgmt
Filename: compmgmt.msc
Arguments: /computer:%hostname%
Application: [MSC] Services
Filename: services.msc
Arguments: /computer:%hostname%
Application: [TOOL] Inventory with SYDI
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k cscript %mremote%\scripts\sydi\sydi-server.vbs -wabefghipPqrsu -racdklp -ew -f10 -d -t%hostname%You need to have MSWORD on your machine (you can also export in xml/html)
Application: [TOOL] Command Prompt (using SysInternals PSEXEC)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psexec.exe \\%hostname% cmd.exe
In my case i added %tools% (system variable)
Application: [TOOL] Files Opened (using SysInternals PSFiLE)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psfile.exe \\%hostname%
Application: [TOOL] Logged-on users (using SysInternals psloggedon.exe)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psloggedon.exe \\%hostname%
Application: Netstat (Listening ports)(using Sysinternals PSEXEC)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psexec.exe \\%hostname% netstat -nab |find /i
Application: Nslookup
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /K nslookup %hostname%
Application: RDP /Admin (Console Session)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c mstsc /v:%hostname%:3389 /admin
Application: Processes List (Powershell)
Filename: powershell
Arguments: -noexit Get-wmiobject win32_process -computername %hostname% | Select-Object __server,name,processid,sessionid,vm,ws,description,executablepath,osname,windowsversion,__path | Out-GridView
Application: Shares List (Powershell)
Filename: powershell
Arguments: -noexit Get-WmiObject win32_share -computer %hostname%|sort name|fl
Application: Shutdown GUi
Filename: shutdown
Arguments: /i /m %hostname%
Application: [HTTPS] Dell OpenManage [port 1311]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: https://%Hostname%:1311
Application: [HTTPS] HP HomePage [2381]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: https://%Hostname%:2381
Application: [HTTPS] ILO [81]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: https://ilo-%Hostname%:81
Application: [HTTPS] LocalHost [80]
Filename: iexplore
Arguments: http://%hostname%
Application: [MSC] Compmgmt
Filename: compmgmt.msc
Arguments: /computer:%hostname%
Application: [MSC] Services
Filename: services.msc
Arguments: /computer:%hostname%
Application: [TOOL] Inventory with SYDI
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k cscript %mremote%\scripts\sydi\sydi-server.vbs -wabefghipPqrsu -racdklp -ew -f10 -d -t%hostname%You need to have MSWORD on your machine (you can also export in xml/html)
Application: [TOOL] Command Prompt (using SysInternals PSEXEC)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psexec.exe \\%hostname% cmd.exe
In my case i added %tools% (system variable)
Application: [TOOL] Files Opened (using SysInternals PSFiLE)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psfile.exe \\%hostname%
Application: [TOOL] Logged-on users (using SysInternals psloggedon.exe)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psloggedon.exe \\%hostname%
Application: Netstat (Listening ports)(using Sysinternals PSEXEC)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /k %tools%\psexec.exe \\%hostname% netstat -nab |find /i
Application: Nslookup
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /K nslookup %hostname%
Application: RDP /Admin (Console Session)
Filename: cmd
Arguments: /c mstsc /v:%hostname%:3389 /admin
Application: Processes List (Powershell)
Filename: powershell
Arguments: -noexit Get-wmiobject win32_process -computername %hostname% | Select-Object __server,name,processid,sessionid,vm,ws,description,executablepath,osname,windowsversion,__path | Out-GridView
Application: Shares List (Powershell)
Filename: powershell
Arguments: -noexit Get-WmiObject win32_share -computer %hostname%|sort name|fl
Application: Shutdown GUi
Filename: shutdown
Arguments: /i /m %hostname%