
Get-LocalGroupMembership (Using ADSI/WinNT)

Updated (2013/06/03): I added some error handeling/verbose/testing. You are now able to pass multiple computers to the ComputerName parameter.


Recently I had to do an Audit at my work to find who was Local Administrators on a bunch of Servers.
That might sounds easy when you just have to check 2 or 3 servers... but what if you have to get the information for hundreds! Plus ... I know the Auditor would ask me this same question every few months to prove that the list did not change...Arghhh!

Once again PowerShell saved me so much time on that one!!


Get the specified local group membership on a local or remote computer.
By default, if you don't specify any parameter, It will query the local group "Administrators" on the localhost.

For some reason WMI bug with some of my Windows Server 2003 and does not return some Domain Groups where Windows Server 2008/2012 work just fine.

Here is my ADSI/WinNT version, It fixed my problem.
In the next post I will go a bit further and get the membership from the domain groups ;-)

Running the Function

The Code

Function Get-LocalGroupMembership {
    Get the local group membership.
    Get the local group membership.
.Parameter ComputerName
    Name of the Computer to get group members. Default is "localhost".
.Parameter GroupName
    Name of the GroupName to get members from. Default is "Administrators".
    Get the Administrators group membership for the localhost
    Get-LocalGroupMembership -ComputerName SERVER01 -GroupName "Remote Desktop Users"
    Get the membership for the the group "Remote Desktop Users" on the computer SERVER01

    Get-LocalGroupMembership -ComputerName SERVER01,SERVER02 -GroupName "Administrators"
    Get the membership for the the group "Administrators" on the computers SERVER01 and SERVER02

    NAME:      Get-LocalGroupMembership
    AUTHOR:    Francois-Xavier Cat
    WEBSITE:   www.LazyWinAdmin.com


  [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
  [string]$GroupName = "Administrators"


        foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName){
                $Everything_is_OK = $true

                # Testing the connection
                Write-Verbose -Message "$Computer - Testing connection..."
                Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
                # Get the members for the group and computer specified
                Write-Verbose -Message "$Computer - Querying..."
             $Group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/$GroupName,group"
             $Members = @($group.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
                $Everything_is_OK = $false
                Write-Warning -Message "Something went wrong on $Computer"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Error on $Computer"
             # Format the Output
                Write-Verbose -Message "$Computer - Formatting Data"
             $members | ForEach-Object {
              $name = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
              $class = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Class", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
              $path = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("ADsPath", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
              # Find out if this is a local or domain object
              if ($path -like "*/$Computer/*"){
               $Type = "Local"
              else {$Type = "Domain"

              $Details = "" | Select-Object ComputerName,Account,Class,Group,Path,Type
              $Details.ComputerName = $Computer
              $Details.Account = $name
              $Details.Class = $class
                    $Details.Group = $GroupName
              $details.Path = $path
              $details.Type = $type
              # Show the Output

    END{Write-Verbose -Message "Script Done"}#END BLOCK
}#Function Get-LocalGroupMembership

Thanks for Reading! If you have any questions, leave a comment or send me an email at fxcat@lazywinadmin.com. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @lazywinadm


Move Computers Object between two organizational units (OU) - What are the permissions required ?

Today I was playing a bit in my lab with PowerShell and AD Computer Objects.
I automate the daily cleanup of Inactive Computer Object and move them to a specific OU.
This script is running with his own service account, the privileges required are specified below.

Move Computer Object INSIDE an OU:
-Create Computer

Move Computer Object OUTSIDE an OU:
-Delete Computer
-Write All Properties

As an example, here I was using the "Delegation of Control Wizard" to allow the "Move out"


FreeNas 8.3 - Creating a RAID volume and Configure iSCSI

FreeNAS is a tiny Open Source FreeBSD-based operating system which provides free Network-Attached Storage (NAS) services (CIFS, FTP, NFS, ...). It supports sharing across Windows, Apple, and UNIX-like systems.

FreeNAS 8 includes ZFS, which supports high storage capacities and integrates file systems and volume management into a single piece of software.


In the following post I will cover the following points:
  • Introduction
  • Terminology
  • Raid Volume Configuration
    • Connecting to the FreeNas HTTP Interface
    • Creating the RAID Volume
  • iSCSI Configuration
    • Adding a Portal
    • Adding an Initiator
    • Adding a Target
    • Adding a File Extent
    • Adding a Target / Extent association
    • Enabling the iSCSI Service
  • Configuring the iSCSI Initiator on VMware vSphere 5.1


Using FreeNAS 8.3, I need to create a RAID Volume, configure iSCSI and present it to my VMware VSphere 5.1 environment.

Note: If you are not familiar with some of the iSCSI terms used below (target, initiator, extent...) please check the following webpage: http://doc.freenas.org/index.php/ISCSI

Overview of my iSCSI Lab Architecture


My Home Lab !

I finally ordered my home lab to work on my technical knowledge and to help me work on some certifications. 

My first goal will be to pass my VCP5-DV in February 2013 (It is already booked!) and probably work on some other certifications like Hyper-V, SCCM, W2012...

Here is the configuration I choose

My HomeLab will run on 3 Whiteboxes:
-2 HYPERVISOR  running VMware ESXi VSphere 5.1
-1 STORAGE SERVER running FreeNas 8.3

HYPERVISORS (2 New Whiteboxes)

For this box I took my old HTPC and replaced some components.

More detail on HomeLab page....