
BlackBerry and Powershell

Something that might be useful to anyone that uses poweshell alot. I wrote this so I could quickly look up a users information instead of having to go the BES Admin console. I put this in my profile.ps1 along with my other custom functions so it loads when i open powershell.


1. Install Quest Powershell Cmdlets "http://www.quest.com/powershell/activeroles-server.aspx" and make sure the snapin is loaded in powershell. I usually load it in my profile.ps1 file.

2. To use the new functions you need to follow the following install instructions. Install these components in the following order from this web site "http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=228DE03F-3B5A-428A-923F-58A033D316E1&displaylang=en" <This allows you to take advantage of the SQL 2008 cmdlets from Microsoft>

• Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
• Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 (Note: This component is already part of SQL Server 2005, it will likely not need to be installed. I provide it here for completeness of prerequisites).
• Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client (Note: I only installed the client. I did not install the SDK as well.)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Objects
• Microsoft Windows PowerShell Extensions for SQL Server

Run this from powershell.

set-alias installutil $env:windir\microsoft.net\framework\v2.0.50727\ins tallutil
installutil -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\Redist\Microsoft.SqlServer.M anagement.PSProvider.dll"
installutil -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\Redist\Microsoft.SqlServer.M anagement.PSSnapins.dll"

Usuage : gbesuser "samaccountname"

function gbesuser ($user){

function devicetype ($type){
 switch ($type){ 
function vendor($vendorID){
 switch ($buser.VendorID){ 
  "109"{"Bell Mobility"}
  "220"{"NNT DoCoMo"}
 $database = ""
 $mdn = get-Qaduser $user -includeallproperties | select legacyExchangeDN,AccountIsDisabled
 $bsql1 = "Select UserConfig.DisplayName,MachineName,PIN,DeviceType,ModelName,PhoneNumber,AppsVer`
 ,Status,LastFwdTime,LastSentTime from UserConfig,SyncDeviceMgmtSummary`
 ,UserStats,ServerConfig where UserConfig.ID=SyncDeviceMgmtSummary.UserConfigID `
 and UserConfig.ID=UserStats.UserConfigID and UserConfig.MailboxDN = '"+$mdn.legacyexchangedn+"' `
 and Serverconfig.ID=UserConfig.ServerConfigID"
 $buser = Invoke-Sqlcmd -query $bsql1 -serverinstance $server -database $database
 $buser | select displayname,machinename,pin,@{Name="DeviceType";expression={devicetype $buser.devicetype}}`
 ,modelname,phonenumber,appsver,@{name="VendorID";expression={vendor $buser.vendorID}}`
 lastsenttime,@{name="AccountStatus";expression={if($mdn.accountisdisabled -eq $true){"Disabled Account"}else{"Normal Account"}}}

Expected Output: (I replaced company internal information with astericks)

DisplayName : ***********
MachineName : **********
PIN : ***********
DeviceType : GSM
ModelName : 8310
PhoneNumber : ***********
AppsVer :
VendorID : Cingular
IMEI : **********
ICCID : **********
MsgsForwarded : 14268
MsgsSent : 452
MsgsPending : 0
MsgsExpired : 0
MsgsFiltered : 0
MsgsFailed : 1
Status : 12
LastFwdTime : 3/1/2009 4:49:27 PM
LastSentTime : 3/1/2009 1:45:04 PM
AccountStatus : Normal Account


Zenmap (Nmap Gui)–Network Scanner


Zenmap is the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI. It is a multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, etc.) free and open source application which aims to make Nmap easy for beginners to use while providing advanced features for experienced Nmap users. Frequently used scans can be saved as profiles to make them easy to run repeatedly. A command creator allows interactive creation of Nmap command lines. Scan results can be saved and viewed later. Saved scan results can be compared with one another to see how they differ. The results of recent scans are stored in a searchable database.

You can download Zenmap (often packaged with Nmap itself) from the Nmap download page. Zenmap is quite intuitive, but you can learn more about using it from the Zenmap User's Guide or check out the Zenmap man page for some quick reference information.

Here are some Zenmap action shots (click for full res):


Inventory - SYDI - Commands

#SYDI WORD (Need MS Word on the machine)
cscript sydi-server.vbs –t<NOM_DU_SERVER>

cscript sydi-server.vbs –t<NOM_DU_SERVER> -o<NOM_DU_SERVER>.xml -ex

#XML TO DOC (Need MS Word on the machine)
cscript.exe ss-xml2word.vbs -x<NOM_DU_SERVER>.xml -llang_english.xml

#XLS – OVERVIEW (with XML Files)
cscript.exe sydi-overview.vbs -x<PATH>

#XML TO HTML (Need MS Excel on the machine)
cscript.exe sydi-transform.vbs -x<SERVERNAME>.xml -sServerhtml.xsl -o<SERVERNAME>.html