The PowerShell Team
just dropped a bombshell !
Windows PowerShell is now a cross platform technology with the
availability of PowerShell on Linux and Mac !! .... AND.... The PowerShell team is
Open Sourcing Windows PowerShell (.Net) and PowerShell Core (.Net Core) !! This is so Cool !!!
Today (2016/08/18) also marks the 10th Anniversary of PowerShell ! Quite a surprise that the PowerShell team prepared for us :-) Given the recent changes in leadership and culture, It is really nice to see Microsoft taking that direction.
PowerShell is now Open Source
Under the
MIT License, PowerShell is now an Open Source Software (OSS).
This was made possible with
the release of the .NET Core Framework, foundational libraries called CoreFX. A framework available on Windows, OS X and Linux! .NET Core is cross-platform and open source.
PowerShell Core is fairly recent and does not offer all the cmdlets available on PowerShell yet since they don't rely on the same Net Framework as Windows PowerShell (.NET). As a side note, Windows Server 2016 Nano Edition (aka Nano Server) is running on PowerShell Core.
PowerShell is now a Cross Platform technology
In addition to Windows Client and Server, PowerShell is now available on the following operating systems:
- Linux
- Ubuntu 14.04 \ 16.04
- CentOs 7.1
- RHEL 7
Download / Test / Contribute
The source are located on Github on the following repository
It also worth to note that the PowerShell Team is also providing some nice examples/demos on their GitHub repository:
Some of the examples available:
Some of those are also demoed in a video here:
Installing PowerShell Core on Linux and Mac
Here is the documentation on how to proceed with the installation of PowerShell Core on Linux and Mac.
At the time I'm writing this, I only see documentation on how to install PowerShell Core on Linux
PowerShell Core on Linux
PowerShell Core on MAC OS X