Today, I continue with another post on Pester. I want to check that each of my parameters declared in my PARAM() block is separated by a empty line.
This will help bring clarity to my code and make it easier to read for other people.
Here is an example, I don't want this:
This can be accomplish by something like that:
[CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( $ModuleName = "ADSIPS", $GithubRepository = "" ) # Make sure one or multiple versions of the module are note loaded Get-Module -Name $ModuleName | remove-module # Find the Manifest file $ManifestFile = "$(Split-path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition))\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psd1" # Import the module and store the information about the module $ModuleInformation = Import-module -Name $ManifestFile -PassThru # Get the functions present in the Manifest $ExportedFunctions = $ # Testing the Module Describe "$ModuleName Module - HELP" -Tags "Module" { FOREACH ($funct in $ExportedFunctions) { $FunctionContent = Get-Content function:$funct $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($FunctionContent, [ref]$null, [ref]$null) Context "$funct - Help"{ # Parameters separated by a space $ParamText = $AST.ParamBlock.extent.text -split '\r\n' # split on carriage return $ParamText = $ParamText.trim() # Trim the edges $ParamTextSeparator = $ParamText | select-string ',$' #line that finish by a ',' if ($ParamTextSeparator) { Foreach ($ParamLine in $ParamTextSeparator.linenumber) { it "Parameter - Separated by space (Line $ParamLine)"{ $ParamText[$ParamLine] -match '^$|\s+' | Should Be $true } } } } #Context } #FOREACH } #Describe
So what is happening here ?
#1- Using Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), we retrieve the content of the PARAM() block and split on the carriage return character
$ParamText = $AST.ParamBlock.extent.text -split '\r\n'
#2- We trim the edges of each lines
$ParamText = $ParamText.trim()
#3- We find the line that finish by a comma character ','. Here we are using Regex and the Dollar sign '$' that will matches the ending of a line.
$ParamTextSeparator = $ParamText | select-string ',$'
#4- Then for each lines that finish by a comma character, we will check if the next line is empty or contains only white spaces, which is fine too. Again we will be using regex here, ^$ matches an empty line and \s+ matches one ore more whitespaces. This should return either $true or $false and we can use Pester from here to return the success of failure of the test.
$ParamText[$ParamLine] -match '^$|\s+' | Should Be $true
Other posts on Pester
- Using Pester to test your Comment Based Help
- Using Pester to test your Manifest File
- Make sure your Comment Based Help is not indented
- Make sure your parameters are separated by an empty line
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, leave a comment or send me an email at I invite you to follow me on Twitter @lazywinadm / Google+ / LinkedIn. You can also follow the LazyWinAdmin Blog on Facebook Page and Google+ Page.
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