Hope that's help someone out there.
# ############################################################################# # COMPANY INC - SCRIPT - POWERSHELL # NAME: script.ps1 # # AUTHOR: Francois-Xavier Cat, Company Inc # DATE: 2012/03/14 # EMAIL: info@lazywinadmin.com # # COMMENT: This script will.... # # VERSION HISTORY # 1.0 2011.05.25 Initial Version. # 1.1 2011.06.14 Upgrade with... # # TO ADD # -Add a Function to ... # -Fix the... # ############################################################################# #--- CONFIG ---# #region Configuration # Script Path/Directories $ScriptPath = (Split-Path ((Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value).MyCommand.Path) $ScriptPluginPath = $ScriptPath + "\plugin\" $ScriptToolsPath = $ScriptPath + "\tools\" $ScriptOutputPath = $ScriptPath + "\Output\" # Date Format $DateFormat = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss" #end region configuration #--- MODULE/SNAPIN/DOT SOURCING/REQUIREMENTS ---# #region Module/Snapin/Dot Sourcing # DOT SOURCING Examples #. $ScriptPath\FUNCTION1.ps1 #. $ScriptPath\FUNCTION2.ps1 #. $ScriptPath\FUNCTION3.ps1 # SNAPIN or MODULE Examples #if (-not(Get-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction Silentlycontinue)){Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement} #if (-not(Get-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction Silentlycontinue)){Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement} #if (-not(Get-Module -Name BSonPosh -ErrorAction Silentlycontinue)){Import-Module BSonPosh} # REQUIREMENTS # see the help: "get-help about_requires -full" # The Requires statement prevents a script from running unless the Windows # PowerShell version, snap-in, and snap-in version prerequisites are met. If # the prerequisites are not met, Windows PowerShell does not run the script. #end region Module/Snapin/Dot Sourcing #--- HELP ---# #region help <# .SYNOPSIS Cmdlet help is awesome. .DESCRIPTION This Script does a ton of beautiful things! .PARAMETER .PARAMETER .INPUTS .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE .EXAMPLE .LINK http://www.lazywinadmin.com #> #end region help #--- FUNCTIONS ---# #region functions #end region functions #--- SCRIPT ---# #region script #end region script
ReplyDeleteThank You BeatIT!
ReplyDeleteI corrected the template.
I will post a new version pretty soon
ANY suggestions are more than welcome! :-)